Same or Next Day Expedited Services 24-7

MA Constable I.A.D & Mass Process Servers Services Offered:

Tenant Evictions / Property Foreclosures (Residential & Commercial)

Summary Process / 14 & 30 Day Notices / Legal documents

Domestic Issues & Relations / Child Support – Divorces

Support Summons / Restraining Orders / Contempt Notices

Emergency Rush Same or Next Day
Expedited Services 24-7

MA Constable I.A.D & Mass Process Servers Services Offered:

Tenant Evictions / Property Foreclosures (Residential & Commercial)

Summary Process / 14 & 30 Day Notices / Legal documents

Domestic Issues & Relations / Child Support – Divorces

Support Summons / Restraining Orders / Contempt Notices

Get In Touch Our Support Team Is Always Willing To Help You With Comprehensive Professional Solutions To Your Problems!

    * We don’t share your personal info with anyone.

    Somerset Process Servers

    Do you need a Somerset Constable to serve legal documentation 24/7? Are you stuck in court matters? Divorce, child issues, domestic issues, adoptions, tenant evictions, witness summons whatever they may be MA Constables I.A.D can provide you with the paper work that you’re looking for. As a Somerset Constable, MA Constables I.A.D serves in the following Massachusetts locations: Taunton, New Bedford, Dartmouth, Lakeville, Wareham, Boston, Fall River and Somerset. If you wish to see more cities in the list, please give us 24-72 hours to update it and hopefully you will find what you were looking for with our main services listed below.

    Currently we accept all sorts of terms and contracts from the following locations in Massachusetts, if you reside elsewhere give us 24-72 hours to complete our task: Somerset, Taunton, New Bedford, Dartmouth, Lakeville, Wareham, Somerset, Boston and Cambridge. If you still find a location that is not within your reach please give us time to complete the necessary updates.

    For information regarding legal procedures, click on any of the active links in the table below.

    Property Seizures
    Tenant Evictions
    Divorce Papers
    Bank Foreclosures
    Vacate Property
    Support Orders

    For information regarding legal procedures, click on any of the active links in the table below.

    Property Seizures
    Tenant Evictions
    Divorce Papers
    Bank Foreclosures
    Vacate Property
    Support Orders
    Vacate premises
    Legal Documents

    MA Constable I.A.D provides legal documents for issues like court orders, domestic issues, child issues, witness summons, complaints, Modification Support Paternity, Probate processes, adoptions, small claims, evictions, Summary Process summons, complaint for contempt notices, capias, tenant evictions, all sorts of summons, 14-30 day notices and all other sorts of legal documents.

    So far we have been able to create and maintain strong and firm relationships with our clients and hope to keep it that way in the future as well. We guarantee that your needs will be fulfilled and you will not be disappointed with our work as our clients and our tasks are our highest priority.

    Our constables and process servers are fully licensed and we make sure that any sort of documents that you require are provided while keeping our standards at certain professional level. For those we have accepted to serve we guarantee that we will complete our tasks without delay and maintain high standards and insure zero disappointment.

    We Accept Probate Deliveries in all of Massachusetts / Our Constable Services I.A.D is presently serving or ready to welcome long term & short term clients (CONTRACTS) from these Massachusetts locations: Taunton, New Bedford, Dartmouth, Lakeville, Wareham, Somerset, Boston & Fall River. If area not list please give us 48 – 72 hours to complete task.

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